Saturday, December 12, 2009

Foiled Again.

I don't know what's going on.
I don't know why these things keep happening.
Maybe it's the company I keep.
Or the fact that I keep no company.
I can't have anything I want without destroying something else.
And it's not even my fault.
I'm just me.
I've become this horrible thing,
everyone hates me because
I'm the 'bad guy'.
When things go wrong, it's my doing.
But it's not.
I didn't do this.
She did.
She would leave everything, everyone for me.
And everyone knew that.
So I turned into the enemy.
And I still am.
She'll only have me if she wants to lose everything else.
And she doesn't.
Jesus Christ.
This is on of those times
when you can have everything.
There's no need to purge.
I just want her to be here.
I don't want to ruin everything.
She left me, and I think no worse of anyone else.
And I know I've made mistakes.
But they aren't mistakes if they don't happen again.
It shouldn't be this hard.
It shouldn't be this hard, for her.
Why can't she have me and everything else?
I'm not preventing anything.
I'm sorry if all of you hate me.
I'm doing the best I can.
She should able to be with me and retain everything else.
Because I know I'm not worth it
if being with me means I'm all she gets.

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