Saturday, December 12, 2009

Foiled Again.

I don't know what's going on.
I don't know why these things keep happening.
Maybe it's the company I keep.
Or the fact that I keep no company.
I can't have anything I want without destroying something else.
And it's not even my fault.
I'm just me.
I've become this horrible thing,
everyone hates me because
I'm the 'bad guy'.
When things go wrong, it's my doing.
But it's not.
I didn't do this.
She did.
She would leave everything, everyone for me.
And everyone knew that.
So I turned into the enemy.
And I still am.
She'll only have me if she wants to lose everything else.
And she doesn't.
Jesus Christ.
This is on of those times
when you can have everything.
There's no need to purge.
I just want her to be here.
I don't want to ruin everything.
She left me, and I think no worse of anyone else.
And I know I've made mistakes.
But they aren't mistakes if they don't happen again.
It shouldn't be this hard.
It shouldn't be this hard, for her.
Why can't she have me and everything else?
I'm not preventing anything.
I'm sorry if all of you hate me.
I'm doing the best I can.
She should able to be with me and retain everything else.
Because I know I'm not worth it
if being with me means I'm all she gets.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dancing With Myself.

There's good in everything.
After the initial events,
the rest seem good.
You have to go through pain
to get good.
I wanted to fall in love again,
and by God I have.
And it's exactly like it used to be;
a distance between everything.
So many hurdles to clear to get where I want to go.
But this isn't like Twister,
it isn't awkward,
it's natural.
Nobody's worth more;
only a few are worth less.
I've arrived at the place I wanted to go.
I'm single, but not alone.
I'm not close to anyone,
so no one can break me down.
I'm invincible.
I'm new.
I'm Bailey White, God damn it;
fear me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Departed.

Tim Bruder is no longer.
He died in his sleep last Saturday,
and was not there yesterday.
I did not know him very well,
but I always held him in the highest regard.
Even while cracking jokes in the back of the room.
I'd always do what he wanted,
even if I didn't know how to do it.
He had a silent knowledge about him,
first assuming we knew,
then stepping in with his encyclopedic knowledge.
He was forgetful,
at times he was uninvolved,
but it was because he believed in us.
It was because he trusted us.
Even if we were the scruffiest bunch in the school,
he trusted that we'd do the right thing.
And if we didn't,
he'd rewind the tapes,
and smack us down.
Verbally, of course.
And even know he's only said my name 4 times,
I'll miss him.
I'll miss him dearly.
Because he represented my favorite part of school.
Auto shop.


But that's not enough tragedy for one day.
My wonderful Taylor is now elsewhere.
With another man.
Giving her love to him.
And it's all my fault.
I put a stranglehold on her.
And she longed for freedom.
And that's what she got.
She got away from me.
I lost the greatest thing in my life.
Out of the great love we shared,
all that's left for me is anger.
And memories.
We traveled together,
we slept together,
we put trust in each other.
But, the emphasis was too great.
She became resentful,
because she was my only priority.
Everything had slipped away,
and only she was there.
For me, that was everything I wanted.
I wanted to be seen with her.
I wanted my kids to be like her.
I wanted the security of her,
to show that I was not hopeless,
that I could have another in my life,
and that it could work.
that was shattered.
All we had is now gone.
Replaced with resentment and disdain.
All she can give me now is her appearance.
Her glowing face,
and wonderful smile.
But I know it's not for me.
She doesn't smile because of me.
She doesn't smile for me.
She smiles for her freedom.
She smiles for the present.
She smiles for doing what she's done.
And there's no turning back.
I'm not at the top any longer.
I've fallen into the sea of everybody else.
But I know,
that she loved me once,
and as I drift in the sea,
in the sea of everyone,
I wonder,
if that will be enough for her to love me again.
I have a lifetime ahead of me.
But maybe not.
In the words of my stroke-plagued P.E. teacher,
"Tomorrow is promised to no one."
If I can never have her again,
I will always have the memories.
And hopefully,
in time,
she can be mine again.
And we can share the time,
knowing that we're good for each other.
Knowing that nothing can ever break
true love.