Friday, August 21, 2009

Finer Things.

Who can I trust?
Well, that's a question with no answer.
It's too bad, really.
I wish I had somebody that I could tell things to.
That responded.
A diary doesn't help me.
A diary shows how pathhetic I am.
A diary is a sorry excuse for a good friend.
I wish I had people.
Well, I do.
And those people let me down.
Time and time again.
So, maybe what I need is no one.
That way, I would have no secrets.
A novel concept.

I'm sure I'm no better than the people I describe.
So, maybe I should change.
Would they give me a chance?
Laws, no.
I can't blame them.
It only takes one slip to embody a person.
Once I mess up, I'm through.

But, I'll learn.
And I'll be that much better for the next person.
Or, if they stick around,
let's just say we'll go places.
Simple trust is better than any material object.

trust is up there with the finer things:

Down Here On the Farm.

Ahh, the good life.
Toilets, food and iPods.
Raining from the sky, being everything we want.
We have it pretty good.
We have hospitals,
we have stores,
and we have each other.
It seems that most times, when there's a problem, it's simply created.
To battle our boredom.
I mean, reality TV?
Dating websites?
We're no longer battling smallpox, polio, or even the common cold.
If people die, they die.
Do ants have Viagra?
That would actually be pretty funny.
But, no.
If they break a leg or something, they will most likely die of complications of it.
A bigger problem than us is the energy crisis?
What will happen if we run out of oil???
Honestly, nothing.
The world might get a bit smaller, but people aren't going to start dying off.
There are bigger problems, folks.

Fuck oil; solve AIDs.
There's a problem.
Well, no.
Overpopulation is also a problem.
So it could go either way.
What I mean to say is, the issues today aren't really going to determine the fate of humans.
We have food, we have our health.
What else do we need?

The answer to the question?
Flip on your TV.
There's an infomercial to show you what you need.
Because life's gonna be hell without your damn ShamWow.