Sunday, October 3, 2010


I used to live a life, 
a life of light.
One of joy,
One of prosperity.
There was some darkness,
but it only existed
in small doses.

Then, suddenly,
it all went dark.
The lights, once so bright,
had been extinguished.

I fumbled about,
I tried make things right,
I screamed,
I cried.

I never knew why
such a thing would happen.
What had I done?
What did I not?

I just wanted what it was,
I wanted to see 
what I knew
once again.

The lights were off 
for a very long time.
But then, suddenly,
there was change.

A single match,
one dim bulb,
in a space
full of nothingness.

And then,
a shooting star 
crossed my path,
fell to Earth,
illuminating what I needed to see.

You glow like an ember,
you shine like gold;
your brilliant light
even gives warmth.

You are mysterious,
you are strange,
you are new,
and I haven't the knowledge
of what to do.

Come with me,
let's find the way,
the world is full of night,
but will be overcome
by your shining light.

Take my hand,
we'll cross the land.
We've got news,
"we'll never lose."

It could have been anyone,
but it was me.
You talk to me,
you listen to me,
you smile at me,
you gaze at me.

I'll do my best
to beat the rest.
To keep you lit,
to keep you warm.

You've sparked a flame
in my depths.
Your light's showing things 
I thought didn't exist.

Thank you,
a million times over
for being new,
for being you.

I'll do you good,
because I know you're good.
But you're not just good,
you're the best.

You're that thing I wished for,
the tiny light,
the slightest glimmer,

the shooting star
on a wishful night.

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